Akis  Website Build

Akis Website Build


Assigned To
Eli Weldon
Start & Finish Date
December 15, 2023 → June 18, 2024
Priority Factors
Status Last Changed


Previous website design screenshotsAki’s Website OutlineDesigner Homepage Revisions

To Update on Initial form

  • Build out a new intake form that collects information to write new branding guidelines
    • Make sure it get’s their thoughts on their current logo for the redesign
    • Make sure it get’s sites they like
    • What is the business. Describe exaclty what it does in 1 sentence,
    • Target Audience: Who the business is aiming to serve.
      • Audience Demographics and Psychographics: Age, gender, lifestyle, values, attitudes, interests, and behaviors of the target audience.
      • Customer Pain Points: The specific problems, needs, or desires of the target audience.
      • Emotional Benefits: The emotional relief or satisfaction provided by the business's products or services.
      • Customer Perceptions and Expectations: How customers currently view the business and what they expect from it.
    • Brand Promise (Unique Selling Proposition): The key benefit that makes the business different and better than its competitors.
    • Authority (Reason to Believe): Evidence or support for the brand promise.
    • Business Values and Attributes: Core principles and characteristics of the business.
    • About the Business (Brand Story): The narrative or background that shapes the brand's identity.
    • Something Bigger (Vision Statement): What does it want to be when it grows up
  • Make sure to add to process to take screenshots of current website
  • Logo
    • Need to get icons they like, colors they like, how can I know more about what they’re looking for rather than guessing

Assets Delivered

Copy Needed & Process

For Brand Guidelines / Tagline & Descriptor

Part 1 Sell & Branding

Overall Notes for first part of process

Need to simplify the content collection with the new prompting, still need to refine the prompt.

Need to change the form to collect more information about what the business owner wants: What matters to you and your team that a customer / business knows about Aki’s?

Need to adjust the form to include collecting the technical information

Problem: Need to sell the person on the tagline more.

Make sure to include brand guidelines

Steps I went through

→ Outline sent before the committed, detailed what they got still in sales process

Aki’s BreadhausAki’s Breadhaus

→ Created the tagline and description once she completed craft your narrative form. Definetely can reduce the amount of information needed with the new gpt prompting.

Just need a list of their customer types, what they do, and a bit about them

Can see more here: Process: Created tagline & description

→ Outline sent after they committed, to confirm with them how process goes, mainly just so they know they need to pay

→ Waiting for their confirmation now

→ Didn’t like the first round of taglines and descriptions.

Need to know more about what they envisions for the copy. What matters to you and your team that a customer / business knows about Aki’s?

→ Delivered Brand Guidelines with the 2nd round, still haven’t paid. Definitely need to sell them more on the reasoning of the taglines, almost make them like it.

Part 2 Design & Outline

Email sent for logo and instructions

When I sent the final design she asked about adjusting content and photos

Start of Part 2: Send invoice, Outline next steps now given an approval and follow-up on invoice details
February 7, 2024
Part 2: Hire person to get logo redesigned & finalized
February 8, 2024
Part 2: Logo check-in on designer
February 9, 2024
Part 2 Pages: Outline the pages and there sections based on the given proposal
February 9, 2024
Part 2: Logo check-in on designer
February 10, 2024
Part 2: Logo check-in on designer
February 13, 2024
Part 2 Pages: Outline the needed copy for each section
February 13, 2024
Part 2: Create homepage content based on section outline
February 13, 2024
Part 2: Logo check-in on designer
February 14, 2024
Part 2 Design: Schedule call with designer to talk next steps and get estimate
February 14, 2024
Part 2 Design: Prepare for call with designer
February 15, 2024
Part 2: Logo check-in on designer
February 15, 2024
Part 2: Logo check-in on designer
February 16, 2024
Part 2: Give designer sites sent and then starwt contract and tell him more sites will be sent soon
February 18, 2024
Part 2: Check-in on designer progress and nancy sending over sites
February 20, 2024
Part 2: Logo check-in on designer
February 20, 2024
Part 2: Check-in on designer progress and nancy sending over sites
February 21, 2024
Part 2: Logo check-in on designer
February 21, 2024
Part 2: Check-in on designer progress and nancy sending over sites
February 22, 2024
Part 2: Provide revisions to designer
February 27, 2024
Part 2: Check-in on designer progress and nancy sending over sites
February 27, 2024
Part 2: Logo check-in on designer, send to nancy
February 27, 2024
part 2 logo: Hire Bencym to redo aki’s logo with feedback
March 1, 2024
Part 2: Check-in on designer completing revisions, create task to schedule call with nancy
March 1, 2024
part 2 logo: Check-in on designers providng feedback
March 4, 2024
part 2 logo: Check-in on designers providng feedback
March 6, 2024
part 2: Check-in on designer revisions and finalize for call
March 6, 2024
Part 2 Logo: Give recomendations for wunderbar domain for akis
March 7, 2024
part 2 design: Finalize the next steps of design based on call with Nancy
March 7, 2024
End of Part 2: Get on call to go over new logo and homepage design
March 7, 2024
part 2 design: Confirm design version to move forward with and send to designer to complete, create check-in task
March 11, 2024
Part 2 Logo: Give logo variation with light font for breadhaus but same color, send to nancy to finalize with the other logo variations from benycm
March 11, 2024
Part 2 design: Provide designer feedback and create task to send to nancy
March 18, 2024
Part 2 design: check-in on designer
March 20, 2024
Part 2 design: check-in on designer, make final revisions, send to nancy
March 22, 2024
part 2 design: Finalize design and send to nancy to review, put in dashboard?
March 26, 2024
part 2 design: Check-in on nancy feedback
April 1, 2024
part 2 design: Check-in on nancy feedback
April 4, 2024

Part 3 Developing Going Live

Need to get copy from them:

  • Team bios
  • New photos
  • Case Studies

Once design done get approval from Aki’s create inner page content

When creating

  • Make sure to create page excerpts, good for SEO
  • Need to give 3 core problems customer is facign, use a new chatgpt conversation for each page

Once approved start the development

When developing:

  • Make sure plugins exist in base template:
    • EWW IMage Optimizer
    • AIOSEO
    • GravityForms
    • Akismet
  • Make sure page sub header is also the meta excerpt
  • Need image optimizer plugin
  • Create default spacing settings and typography
  • Migrate over previous submissions and data, create a “Clients Aki’s”
  • add favicon
  • had to enable honeypot on forms, should do for all of them

Review the entire site on a call

  • Sent them to review then scheduled call
  • Get added as a delegate for domain info
  • Which registrars have delegate access
  • Need to get current google analytics account, also create OWC account

Take the site live:

Email sent to klesk for items to go live and recommended next projects

Going live process

  • Flywheel changes
    • Flywheel Site Dashboard Open new site. Add Site Going Live Url under Site Launch Info in Card Desc to Flywheel site domain configuration: standard & www, set domain to primary
    • Flywheel Site Dashboard -> Add Ons: enable ssl (fields: Organization - OWConsulting LLC)
    • Needed to enable sendgrid emails in flywheel
    • enable MPU’s
  • When going live things to change in DNS:
    • Google search console verification
    • Send grid email keys
    • IP Address
  • Site settings
    • Disable discourage search engines in WP Menu > Setting > Reading
    • Confirm clients email get’s form notifications
  • Add domain to Google Webmaster tools use team@ow.consulting login and submit a sitemap (DOMAIN.com/sitemap_index.xml)
  • Add google analytics, created an account
  • Upload and enable AISEO, go through process to setupp
    • Info needed for setup:
      • Business hours
      • Business address
      • Business contact email and phone
      • Business area’s served
    • Go through default setup wizard
      • Adjust homepage title and images
      • Add license DTGIID2DR3IZY7OCH
    • Search Appereance → Image SEO, add alt tags
      • Local SEO → Add business info
    • Local SEO → Add hours

Sent email:

Dear Nancy,

We are delighted to inform you that your new website, https://akisbreadhaus.com, is now live! Here’s an overview of the key improvements and benefits of the work we’ve completed.

Enhancements and Benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: We've enabled SSL encryption, ensuring that your website is secure and trustworthy for your visitors.
  • Improved Email Delivery: Configuration with SendGrid ensures that all email communications from your website are reliable and reach your customers' inboxes.
  • Optimized for Search Engines: We've verified your site with Google Search Console and submitted a sitemap, which will help improve your site's visibility and ranking on search engines.
  • Analytics Setup: Google Analytics has been integrated, allowing you to track and analyze your website traffic and user behavior to make informed decisions.
  • SEO Optimization: We've set up AISEO with your business information, optimized homepage titles and images, and added alt tags to images. This will enhance your site's search engine optimization, making it easier for potential customers to find you online.
  • Local SEO: Your business information, including hours and contact details, has been added to improve local search results, ensuring that customers in your area can easily find and contact you.
  • Email Notifications: We’ve ensured that your email settings are correctly configured so you’ll receive all necessary notifications from your site.

These improvements will not only enhance your website's performance and security but also improve your visibility and accessibility to your customers.

As per our agreement, we will now proceed with billing the remaining balance of your invoice. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out,

Thank you once again for choosing us for your website redesign. We look forward to continuing our partnership and supporting your business growth.