


Hepworth Legal client dashboard.

What you can find in this dashboard. Click to jump to it.

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Q3 sprint goals

Starts on @July 1, 2024 and ends @September 30, 2024

Launch, market and grow AI tenant defense software
Launch and monitor Defamation digital marketing campaign
Weekly email summarizing Hepworth Legal activity
Automation bill collection and create process to monitor and improve
Airtable improvements
  • Search phone number formatting
  • Search conflicts from Airtable
  • Correct timezones to all be listed in MST

September 2024 digital performance report.

Key Onboarding Metrics
Process to complete
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Automations and software management.

Key onboarding metrics.

11% consult conversion rate last month

0% from 1 month ago

↑ 1% from 2 months ago

0% all time average

Customer Onboarding Feedback
Process to complete:
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Customer onboarding feedback.

Customer onboarding feedback.

Customer consultation feedback.

View all data by clicking the link below:


Automations & Software Management

Automated and software management.

Not setup yet.

We have not yet documented the automation setup for Hepworth Legal. Quality assurance cannot be implemented until this is done. We recommend allocating some time this month to document the setup, so we can perform quality assurance checks.

Social Reviews Effectiveness
Process to complete
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Social reviews effectiveness.

Social reviews initiative effectiveness.

28 Consultation Feedback submissions + 5 new 5 star reviews


4.6 stars and 325 reviews started with 4.7 stars and 287 reviews

Site Security & Speed
Process to complete:
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Site security and speed.

Site security and speed.

Site security status:

✅ Low Security Risk

 All available updates:

✅ Completed

  • Updated all plugins on hepworthlegal.com
  • Website has latest WP Version 6.6.2
Process to complete:
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81 hours worked this month.

View a full breakdown of the project tasks and time to complete below.

HL Airtable correct time listings
Update airtable so that all listed fields in the card show in MST timezone without affecting any current automations
HL Automation Updates
Update Every day -> Mark consults scheduled for next week script to properly log versions
HL Calls
Outline call agenda
Review: This is part of the AI thing I want to relook at building again. You and I tried doing something like this years ago, but we didn't move forward. I need to make it happen now.
Review: I want to brainstorm with you about an AI process. I'm back to doing case meetings and I need to bring in everything I can to make them easier and more efficient
HL Confirm Google Local Ads Revenue
Confirm google local is still worth it
Send email to hewporth about restarting google local ads
HL Create AI Report On All Consultations
Outline and scope new feature request. I’d like to get an AI report on all of our Zoom and phone consultations. Since we record all Zoom and phone, I want to have AI read it, then “create a comprehensive report on the following conversation.” If you check out some of my consultations, you’ll see how I like to see the reports.
HL Create Commissions & Payroll Views In Airtable
Plan and outline: Mike mentioned that you could create views/automation in Airtable so I can get the total commission due for both Tamara and Liz each cycle. Here is the breakdown of their pay structure:
Add: We need a simple Airtable view that compiles everything for payroll. Kelsie is having an issue with data being duplicated in Clio and Airtable for consults (resolved or not). I want to brainstorm with you about this and see how we can make it work. I think you might have already started on this project, though.
HL Create Dropbox Script to Archive 5 Year Old Documents
Please create an app that automatically Archives old Clio files in Dropbox that are more than 5 years old, then have it run on a monthly basis to update files. Create a Clio Archive folder that is only shared with me and Kelsie.
HL Create Leads Management Report
Update the weekly report to include consultation feedback
HL Create New Task Management System For Attorneys
Finalize how task data is synced between Clio and Airtable as well as what data exists in Airtable
Finalize how matter data is synced between Clio and Airtable as well as what data exists in Airtable
Make sure to account for the following in tasks systems
Give final review to outline and create a final list of deliverables and unknown's to go over on the call
Need to get the recording of operations and task management and issues youve had recently,send questions to answer
Had a document due in court but didn’t know because they didn’t know the next steps or status
Plan and add to operations project need to create unified task system and process. be able to have case meeting, get tasks created from audio transcripts and then they’re uploaded to the system sued for task management
HL Create Process For Adding Attorney & Place For On-going Processes
Outline: Create process for adding an attorney to the website
HL Create Weekly Summary
Research how email can be created with the metrics we need, outline tasks based on research
All digital performance reports

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Active projects.

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Proposed projects.

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Completed projects to review and use.

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View our work records and time tracking.


Current month.

HL Calls
Task Detail Due DateHoursStatus
October 10, 2024
October 3, 2024
HL Facebook Reporting
Task Detail Due DateHoursStatus
October 14, 2024
In Progress
HL Google Ads Service
Task Detail Due DateHoursStatus
October 8, 2024
October 1, 2024
All historical work records and time tracking