Create Hepworth Task System


We will use the Clio Tasks API to connect all Clio tasks to the Airtable HL Manage base's Tasks table. Whenever a task is added, updated, or deleted in either Clio or Airtable, it will update the other accordingly. Additionally, we will create an Airtable script to upload a .txt document containing a bullet point list of tasks, parse it, and create the tasks in the Tasks table.

Assigned To
Eli WeldonBalkishan Natani
Start & Finish Date
August 7, 2023 → August 25, 2023
Needs Review
Project Resources

No Resources Currently

Project Outline

Project Planning Tasklist
Go through
For each Goal outlined turn it individual item in
Problems, Goals, & Summary

What are the problems we hope to solve with this project?

  • Need Clio tasks to populate into HL Manage base tasks table and updates to the tasks table in airtable to the Clio version
  • Need to be able to parse a gpt generated document with the following format to create tasks in airtable
  • User Name
    - Matter ID
     - Task: task 1 || Priority: || Due Date: 
     - Task: task 2 || Priority: || Due Date: 
    - Matter ID
     - Task: task 1 || Priority: || Due Date: 
    Next User's Name
    - Matter ID
     - Task: task 2 || Priority: || Due Date: 
    - Matter ID
     - Task: task 1 || Priority: || Due Date:

What are the Goals to create in order to solve the problems?

  • Connect Clio Tasks to Airtable Tasks programmatically
  • Create Airtable Script to except .txt file upload and parse the listed format into tasks in HL Manage base

Based on the problems and goals summarize what the project hopes to accomplish: (once outlined add it to the Summary property in notion)

  • We will use the Clio Tasks API to connect all Clio tasks to the Airtable HL Manage base's Tasks table. Whenever a task is added, updated, or deleted in either Clio or Airtable, it will update the other accordingly. Additionally, we will create an Airtable script to upload a .txt document containing a bullet point list of tasks, parse it, and create the tasks in the Tasks table.

Goals & Deliverables

Goal #1

Connect Clio Tasks to Airtable Tasks programmatically

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into TasksTasks , add task details


  • Add to manager an endpoint that receives Clio Webhook payload for tasks and sends to the HL Manage Tasks table. All task fields in Clio are added to the Airtable table
  • Whenever a task is added, changed, or deleted from Airtable or Clio it updates the other accordingly. IE a task is added in Airtable, then a task is automatically created in Clio. If the same task is changed in Clio the changed values are automatically updated in Airtable. Finally if the same task is deleted in Clio it deletes in Airtable

Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

  • Review the clio webhook tasks documentation
  • Confirm that matter display number is unique, can use matter display number to auto link to task and use zapier

Tasklist - Final

  • (1 hour) Connect Matter Display Name to matter’s table as a relational field to pull matter id
  • (1 hour) Connect user’s table as a relational field in tasks table to pull user id
  • (1.5 hour) Create zap that logs all new tasks in airtable
  • (1.5 hour) Create zap that updates or adds clio tasks when created in airtable
  • (1 hour) Create a sync view of tasks table into H&A CRM from HL Manage
Goal #2

Create Airtable Script to except .txt file upload and parse the listed format into tasks in HL Manage base

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into TasksTasks , add task details


  • Create a script extension in Airtable that accepts a .txt input, see script documentation here. It parses the .txt document and creates tasks in the Tasks table assigned to the appropriate user. Format of the text document:
  • User Name
    - Matter ID
     - Task: task 1 || Priority: || Due Date: 
     - Task: task 2 || Priority: || Due Date: 
    - Matter ID
     - Task: task 1 || Priority: || Due Date: 
    Next User's Name
    - Matter ID
     - Task: task 2 || Priority: || Due Date: 
    - Matter ID
     - Task: task 1 || Priority: || Due Date:

Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

  • Check & Read the Airtable documentation for creating scripts.

Tasklist - Final

  • Create a script for airtable which accept the text input as above document.
  • Parse the data from the text input using the script.
  • Create task in Task table and assigned to the appropriate user. Total hours : 6 to 8 hours