Rebuild Esign step for multiple documents

Assigned To
Eli Weldon
Start & Finish Date
Needs Review
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Project Outline

Project Planning Tasklist
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Problems & Goals

What are the problems we hope to solve with this project?

  • users need to e-sign multiple documents and they’re currently static and can’t be dynamically added
  • marking documents have been signed is cumbersome
  • documents to be signed are listed in multiple steps rather than one

What are the Goals to create in order to solve the problems?

Goals & Deliverables

Goal #1

Update Portal UX and AG Admin to have all e-sign documents in a single location and no longer be hard coded

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
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  • Create single admin location to add all e-sign documents and update sign status
  • Update portal UX to show all documents and status of sign in a single step
  • Update all existing automations for new e-sign document management
  • Convert all existing rows in sheet to new format
  • If possible setup auto mark of signing completed in sheet from FormStack Sign API

Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

  • Research Formstack api to see if it’s possible to automate common admin actions
    • Easier way to link documents that need to be signed to show in the portal?
    • Track e-sign of a document and tie it back to a specific row in the sheet by passing UID or email to automark the specific document as signed.
  • Research how to create a single location in admin where unlimted e-sign documents can be added, each document will have the following values:
    • Document 1
      • E-sign link
      • Document Name
      • Description
      • Is Signed: yes / no (no is default)
    • Document 2
      • E-sign link
      • Document Name
      • Description
      • Is Signed: yes / no (no is default)
  • Research how we can update the current sheet rows to the new format
  • List all zapier steps that connect to the sheet that are related to signing documents that will need to be updated
  • Outline the code in the portal that will need to be changed in order to achieve a UX that shows all sign documents in current quote e-sign step. With the following states:
    • Not all documents listed as signed so step still needs to be completed and updates overall get started status as not complete
    • All documents listed as signed so step shows as completed and if all other steps complete then updates overall get started status as not complete

Tasklist - Final

  • Move existing finance e-sign values to "E-Sign Links" sheet
  • Create new column next to E-sign Link in "New Business" and "Renewal" sheet Is Signed to check if quote was signed or not
    • Turn off zaps that will be affected by column change and make sure to update all portal index values in the code based on where the column is added
  • Create additional column next to in "New Business" and "Renewal" sheets named "Has Additional E-sign Docs" (yes / no)
    • Turn off zaps that will be affected by column change and make sure to update all portal index values in the code based on where the column is added
  • Update portal code to check and show documents from "E-Sign Links" sheet when the additional documents column is set to yes to show in portal
    • Create a scrollable view listing all the documents and clearly showing which one are signed / not-signed
    • Show status of Document signing step completed/not-completed based on all the documents listed for signing in "ESign Links" sheet
  • Remove additional code for finance e-sign links
  • When pasting UID in "ESign Links" sheet, automatically pull DBA and email automatically from normal sheet
  • Check if when client signs the formstck document zap can be set up to mark signing automatically and if so set it up