Klesk Revised Marketing Action Plan and Creative Brief


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In Progress
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This document presents OWC’s (our) proposed strategy and media approach for Klesk Metal Stamping. It contains an overview of the campaign’s objectives, strategic media approach, key audience insights, measurement, and creative themes. The purpose is to provide a better understanding of growth opportunities through social media.

Opportunity: Implement social media strategies to boost awareness and drive consideration (leads)

Recommended digital strategy at a glance.

  1. Use LinkedIn as the preferred platform to reach business decision makers who utilize metal stamping services.
  2. Manage organic LinkedIn posts to develop a profile that fosters trust and curiosity.
  3. After two weeks of organic profile development, launch a six-week paid media campaign on LinkedIn.
    1. Use the creative strategies detailed below to engage and target customers across the platform.
    2. Initiate the campaign with a recommended daily budget of $50. The total 6 week campaign could spend up to $2,100.
  4. Continue managing the organic profile while optimizing the paid campaign.
  5. At the end of the six-week campaign, provide a report detailing successes and areas for improvement.

Campaign goal based on research

Achieve 9 high quality metal stamping and EDM leads.

Review the steps required to properly calculate a social campaign goal using the formula to the right.


The best platform to reach your customers.


LinkedIn When to use: Ideal for reaching B2B clients. Value: LinkedIn offers premium targeting capabilities that allow advertisers to specifically target users based on job title, industry, and company size. This provides great value for a B2B business such as Klesk Metal Stamping, as it would let us reach business decision makers who work in industry’s that utilize metal stamping services.

According to a report by LinkedIn, the platform is responsible for 80% of B2B social media leads, far surpassing other platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, which combined account for only 20%. This makes LinkedIn the go-to platform for B2B businesses who are looking to reach professional buyers. When it comes to the results, 79% of manufacturers selected LinkedIn as top social media platform.


Why social is important for your business: Statistical analysis of the competitive landscape shows that 93% of industrial manufacturing businesses actively use social media for marketing. Social provides a great environment for B2B business’s to demonstrate their expertise through educational content, infographics, and case studies. This helps to build trust with potential customers and position the business as an industry thought leader. Additionally, manufacturing companies that regularly post technical content on social media see an average 2x increase in website traffic, with 59% of their traffic coming from social media channels.

Other platforms that were evaluated.

These recommendations are based on historical search data and social industry standards, see appendix for further details


Facebook When to use: Best for reaching B2C customers, but still offers opportunities for reaching B2B. Value: Facebook offers cost effective solutions and multiple different types of ad formats with the largest amount of reach (highest number of active users).



When to use: Ideal for reaching a younger audience.

Value: Instagram is very popular among industries such as fashion, travel, food, beauty, etc., as the platform tends to highlight visually appealing content. The platform is also great for showcasing a company’s culture, giving behind-the-scenes looks, and highlighting community involvement. It's particularly effective for targeting a younger demographic; therefore, we don't recommend running the first social ad campaign on this platform.


X (twitter)

When to use: Ideal for growing awareness without necessarily growing leads.

Why: X is less frequently used than Meta and LinkedIn ads. Nevertheless, it provides a great platform for companies to share timely updates, news articles, and engage in conversations related to the offered services. We don't recommend running the first social ad campaign on this platform

Reaching your audience


The demographic (age, gender, interests) of your audience.


Business decision leaders who are in senior, director, and manager roles and work in the following industries: aerospace, industrial, medical/dental, telecommunications, recreational, and auto.

The problems your audience has that your product/service can solve?


The audience requires custom, precise metal parts that are designed and built specifically for their product(s).

Based on your audience and our research, we believe this is the best social platform for your campaign



Creative theme and concepts

How creative can turn ordinary into extraordinary: Even if your product or service doesn't seem visually interesting, a well-crafted advertising campaign can still be engaging and eye-catching. Through innovative design, compelling storytelling, and creative use of visuals, we can highlight the unique benefits and appeal of your service.

Creative messaging theme

The overall message and tone that we want the creative to deliver to your audience.


Your unique selling proposition


We understand, listen, and genuinely want to help our customers succeed with their stamping, EDM, wire, hole drilling, and machining needs.

The distinct feature or benefit that sets your business apart from its competitors.


Audience’s interests and needs


A custom metal part that is critical for the final production of their product.

What problems does your audience face and how can we help them?


Brand voice


Responsive and service-oriented business, backed by experience, confidence, and quality.

Brand voice that is reflective of the business, the tone in which you want the message delivered.


Action customers take


Requesting a quote through the website.

Action that we want your audience to take next (sign up, learn more, etc).

Creative concept #1

Delivers a professional tone, focused on the business itself


Creative concept #2

People centric, aims to humanize the brand

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

OWC will split test two different styles of creative to see which resonates better with the audience. Through an A/B test, the campaign would compare two versions of an ad (version A and version B) to determine which one performs better. The performance would be measured by the number of clicks that each of the different styles achieves, along with the average CPC.

Scheduling calendar and posting format

For social campaigns, we run for a total of 8 weeks. During this time period, we will post 8 weeks of organic posts and the paid media will run for the final 6 weeks. This will allow us to build up activity on the business’s social media account, before new customers are reached from paid media efforts.


Organic content outline

Social campaign organic posts are constructed and organized in the following format. Topics are tailored to fit your product or service.

Publish Date
Post Ad Copy
Asset Type
Company Overview 
Week 1: Day 1
With over 61 years of manufacturing experience, we have created a values-based, people-first culture. It is our mission to manufacture parts with a firm commitment to quality and delivery.
Meet our Team
Week 1: Day 3
At Klesk Metal Stamping, we're proud to have a diverse team of people who specialize in all steps of the manufacturing process. From EDM to quality assurance specialists, our team truly is what makes us masters of metal.
Thin Parts
Week 1: Day 5
We know that even the smallest margin can make the biggest difference. Our metal stamping machinery ensure ultra-thin parts and maintain tight tolerances, meeting the highest industry standards.
Service Details
Week 2: Day 1
We take pride in our long-standing partnerships, including Fortune 500 companies that have trusted us for over 50 years. Why? Because we’re agile, responsive problem-solvers who provide cost-effective solutions—time and time again.
Client Testimonial #1
Week 2: Day 3
One of our aerospace customers sought support from Klesk in the design and production of a critical metal component for their main vehicles, one which required meticulous design. Klesk worked with the aerospace engineers to understand the part's form, fit and function which led to a successful prototype.
Service Education
Week 2: Day 5
With a quality mindset to deliver defect-free products, we ensure certifications are up to the latest ISO and NADCAP standards.
Industry News
Week 3: Day 1
Ever wonder what goes into creating your metal components? Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at our state-of-the-art stamping presses in action! *Asset will be image on metal stamping'
Mission Statement
Week 3: Day 3
What’s the future of metal stamping? From automation to advanced materials, we’re exploring the latest trends that will shape the industry in 2024 and beyond. *Asset will be image on metal stamping trends*
Additional Service Details
Week 4: Day 1
Emerson approached Team Klesk to help modify an existing stamped cap to eliminate the need for multiple parts in final assembly – a productivity and supply chain simplification opportunity. Klesk collaborated Emerson's engineering team to redesign the print to a more manufacturable & measurable state, allowing for a smooth transition with guaranteed fit and function. Another creative solution accomplished through collaboration between Klesk and a long-standing customer.
Client Testimonial #2
Week 4: Day 3
Our team developed a specialized process to build custom fixtures that securely held the delicate dental tips during the EDM process. By creating this tailored solution, we were able to consistently produce the parts with the required precision.
Additional Service Details
Week 5: Day 1
Why choose metal stamping over other manufacturing methods? Here are five key benefits of precision metal stamping for high-volume production. "Asset will be image of pros to metal stamping*
Industry Tip
Week 5: Day 3
Klesk Metal Stamping began with an understanding of the gaps and demands within the precision metal industry. Our journey from a small business to an industry leader was built on solving the challenges.
Meet the Owner
Week 6: Day 1
No two projects are the same, and that’s why we specialize in custom metal stamping solutions tailored to your exact specifications. Here’s a glimpse of one of our latest custom components for the medical device industry.
Client Testimonial #3
Week 6: Day 3
Our proficiency in producing both formed (convolution) and flat diaphragms sets us apart as a leader in precision metal solutions. These critical components are essential across a wide range of uses, including measuring devices, rocketry, and other tech applications.
Industry Tip
Week 7: Day 1
At Klesk Metal Stamping, quality, trust, and expertise drive everything we do. We believe in delivering quality products while fostering a positive workplace culture. See what our employees are saying about their experience at Klesk Metal. *Asset will be multiple employee reviews/positive feedback and experiences*
Fun fact of the day
Week 7: Day 3
Metal Stamping, EDM, Quality Control, Tooling Design and Fabrication – you name it, we create it.
Client Testimonial #4
Week 8: Day 1
At Klesk Metal Stamping, we’ve been providing precision metal stamping solutions for over 60 years. Our mission is to deliver high-quality components with unmatched precision. Learn more about our journey and how we can help your business succeed.
Company Overview 
Week 8: Day 3
Some people collect shiny things, we create them. Learn more about how we can partner with your business for its precise metal needs.

Marketing Launch Timeline

Due Date
Phase 1: Marketing Campaign
OWC delivers Marketing Action Plan and Creative Themes
Klesk provided feedback on Marketing Action Plan and Creative Themes
OWC to provide follow ups and recommendations from 9/12 call
Klesk to provide online examples of relevant images that OWC can replace the current creative images with
OWC to provide revised Marketing Action Plan and Creative Themes
OWC to complete set up of LinkedIn Ads Account
Phase 2: Campaign Creative
OWC to provide Organic Content Calendar (Posts and Ad Copy) for client approval
Klesk to approve Organic Content Calendar
OWC to share Paid ad creative
Klesk to approve Paid ad creative
Phase 3: Launch
OWC/Client to go live with Organic social posts
OWC/HL to go live with Paid social media campaign (6 week campaign)
Phase 4: Reporting
OWC to provide first weekly report on LinkedIn Ads Performance
Paid social media campaign ends


Supplementary sources that were used to craft the document’s insights. This research-backed method ensures relevancy and accuracy behind OWC’s recommendations and findings.