HL Optimize Operations To Allow Hepworth To Leave


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Primary Problems

  1. Hepworth leaves and the law firm’s revenue and efficiency drops significantly as found in HL Review For Bleed Out & Collections
    • Additionally case quality and client satisfaction goes down
    • Not aware of the problem until it’s too late and Hepworth Legal is experiences significant losses
  2. High burnout and churn rate within the firm. Anytime high value attorneys leave it’s a scramble to replace them with another high value attorney
  3. Missing established process to manage retention and forecast recruitment needs

Goals based on problems

For problem #1:

  • Establish why revenue, efficiency and client satisfaction drops when Hepworth leaves
  • Outline key metrics and indicators to:
    • Create solution to the problem based on findings
    • Create safeguards to monitor

For problem #2

  • Outline a lifecycle for Hepworth Legal attorney’s
  • Outline key metrics and indicators to inform workforce management and recruitment
  • Outline questions and responses that can be used to potentially identify high value attorneys during an interview

Problem #1: Hepworth Leaves and Firm Suffers Significant Losses

Hepworth leaves and the law firm’s revenue and efficiency drops significantly as found in HL Review For Bleed Out & Collections

  • Additionally case quality and client satisfaction goes down
  • Not aware of the problem until it’s too late and Hepworth Legal is experiences significant losses

Goals, tasks, and research

Phase 1 - Discovery (est. timeframe ~10-15 hours)

  1. Establish why revenue, efficiency, and client satisfaction drops when Hepworth leaves
    • Qualitative analysis
      • Create a list of Hepworth’s primary tasks when highly involved
        • Interview Hepworth, Kelsie and 2 key attorneys
      • Assess the strength and nature of client relationships maintained by Hepworth.
        • Collect client feedback and satisfaction metrics specifically related to cases overseen by Hepworth vs cases Hepworth has no involvement on
      • Analyze the operational processes managed or influenced by Hepworth.
        • Identify bottlenecks or unique efficiencies in Hepworth’s workflow that others are not replicating.
    • Quantitative analysis
      • Conduct a comprehensive review of the revenue streams directly linked to the work managed by Hepworth.
      • Conduct a comprehensive review of the attorney efficiency during and after Hepworth’s departure.

Phase 2 - Implementation (est. timeframe ~ TBD)

  1. Create a solution to the problem based on findings
    • Based on findings from work done on goal 1 outline and task creation of solutions to address identified weaknesses.
  2. Create safeguards to monitor
    • Based on findings from work done on goal 1 design a monitoring system to track key performance indicators (KPIs) related to revenue, efficiency, and client satisfaction that Hepworth can use when gone.

Problem #2: High Burnout and Churn Rate within the Firm

High burnout and churn rate within the firm. Anytime high value attorneys leave it’s a scramble to replace them with another high value attorney

Goals, tasks, and research

Phase 1 - Discovery (est. timeframe ~10-15 hours)

  1. Research required to achieve goals
    • Quantitative analysis
      • Collect data on tenure, promotion timelines, case assignments, workload distribution, and career development opportunities.
      • Identify when attorneys tend to leave, then categorize by high value and low value
      • Review the performance metrics, case outcomes, client feedback, and peer evaluations that correlate with high value.
    • Qualitative analysis
      • Conduct interviews or surveys with current attorneys to understand stressors, job satisfaction, and reasons for leaving.

Phase 2 - Implementation (est. timeframe ~ TBD)

  1. Outline a lifecycle for Hepworth Legal attorneys
    • Create a report summarizing the key factors contributing to burnout and churn.
    • Create a detailed lifecycle map for attorneys within the firm.
    • A feedback loop and monitoring system that provides early warnings of potential burnout or dissatisfaction
  2. Outline questions and responses that can be used to potentially identify high-value attorneys during an interview
    • Develop criteria to identify high-value attorneys.
    • Create a framework for identifying and evaluating high-value attorneys.
    • Create a set of interview guidelines and question templates.

Project tasks