Software management.
121 customers used the software and automations we built to bind coverage with AGuard.
- Our automation saved 40 hours of work
- We found and fixed 0 bugs
- Completed quality assurance of every automation documented below each week
Process to complete:
- For AGuard Click on
- In New business conversion rate, check the Last 30 days column and replace % with the VALUE of new business conversation rate last month.
- Calculate the difference in the value from 1 month previous and All time average.
- In Renewals conversion rate, check the Last 30 days column and replace % with the VALUE of new business conversation rate last month.
- Calculate the difference in the value from 1 month previous and All time average.
- FOR LBR Go to Clients - LBR sheet then the Reporting KPIs tab, Using the values in Column D calculate the difference in the value from 1 month previous and 2 months previous and all time average then replace in: 1_MONTH 2_MONTH ALL_TIME IMPORTANT: for these metrics we need values 1 month from the reporting month we are compiling. So if this is the April Report we use values from March.
- We don’t track Key Onboarding Metrics for Klesk so don’t need to edit that section.
Key onboarding metrics.
4.17% new business conversion rate last month
↓ 6% from 1 month ago
↓ 24% all time average
69% renewals conversion rate last month
↓ 5% from 1 month ago
↑ 2% all time average
Process to complete:
- For AGuard Click on
- Check the Onboarding feedback last 30 days and replace it with customer responses.
- Below if the Pie Chart wriite “Please select how easy it and update:”
- For LBR: MPORTANT: for these metrics we need values 2 months ago. So if it is currently April 2023 we would use the metrics for February 2023.
- For Klesk use their total onboarding feedback values and not just the current month.
→ PERCENTAGE_EASY% found it easy to get started
→ PERCENTAGE_AVERAGE% found it average to get started
→ PERCENTAGE_DIFFICULT% found it difficult to get started
- Copy all the responses and paste them in OPEN_ENDED_FEEDBACK below
Customer onboarding feedback.
How easy was it to get started with AGuard?
33 total customer responses
- 73% found it easy to get started
- 27% found it average to get started
- 0% found it difficult to get started
Process to complete:
- For AGuard check the Pie Chart for “How likely are you to recommended” and count the number of Very Likey and Likey and update those number to promoter.
- For LBR, go to NPS link
- get # reviews left and replace the Promoter below
- Type in Affiliate Aguard, LenBuschRoses and Klesk Metal Stamping in google and find their GMB and check the reviews given in last month and update below in new reviews.
- Wirte the New Reviews and how many reviews the client responsed.
- Go to and follow step 4
- Write the current ranking and from where we strarted checking their review that will remain constant.
Social reviews initiative.
32 Promoters + 6 new reviews
6 reviews this month and 0 responded
Current ranking: 4.9 stars and 36 reviews
Started with: 4.7 stars and 12 reviews
Process to complete:
- Check and See your security report and update the status and any issue you reported.
- Update all plugins ( this will be automatically done as we have purchase the Plugin manager add-on flywheel offers for all sites) and how may automations bugs were fixed and last but imporant have we updated the PHP or WP version in the flywheel.
Site security and speed.
Site security status: Low Security Risk
- See your security report
- Update one item brought up in security report
All available updates: Completed
- Updated all plugins
- Fixed three automation bugs
- Updated PHP Version from 7.4 to 8.2
Work Done
Process to complete:
- Go to historical time tracking at the bottom of the page then find the summed hours for the report month and add to the XX hours worked this month
- Change the filter for the tasks to be between the report month
15.75 hours worked this month.