HL Lead Journey V2


After HL Lead Journey V2 is completed Hepworth Legal’s lead follow-up will be fully customized to the legal issue the lead is facing and Hepworth Legal management will be able to monitor and improve GPT with minimal day to day involvement. This will be done by re-doing Hepworth Legal’s current lead follow-up sequences to take full advantage of the Airtable + GPT integration and provide custom follow-ups based on the legal issue the lead is facing e.g., personal injury leads will get prompted and encouraged to schedule a free consultation where as tenant leads will go through the normal follow-up sequence. On top of this we will clearly define the responsibilities of the Lead Manager, reducing the tasks of this person while using them to improve GPT, eventually removing them from day to day follow-up. Finally, we will introduce high level reporting to track the effectiveness of GPT.

Assigned To
Eli Weldon
Start & Finish Date
June 21, 2023 → July 6, 2023
Needs Review
Project Resources

No Resources Currently

Project Outline

Project Planning Tasklist
Go through
Create project summary and add it to project
For each Goal outlined turn it individual item in
Problems & Goals

What are the problems we hope to solve with this project?

  • Need to rebuild follow-up sequences to account for custom GPT system prompts
    • Do we still have calls or is follow-up fully automated?
  • Need different prompts and follow-up sequences for different matter categories
  • What responsibilities to do people have in the follow-up sequence?
  • Need reporting to track the success of the different follow-ups based on matter category as well as A|B test
  • Need reporting and process to monitor GPT ability to classify it’s own conversations

What are the Goals to create in order to solve the problems?

  • Re-do nolo and website follow-up
    • Website submission and nolo have same follow-up sequence, use gpt to differeniate between the two in system prompt
    • Task for team to call but if not called within certain amount of hours follow-up continues
    • If call answered then go into call answered sequence. Tamara mark call sentiment in airtable, used to direct gpt message (ie considring, needs times, looking at other lawyers, other)
      • If considering needs time Tamara changes date to when GPT should follow-up
  • Duplicate follow-up sequences for personal injury and divorce and customize system prompts
  • Update reporting for easy insights into success of new follow-up sequences and classifications
    • Initial response rate of each sequence
    • Conversion rate of each sequence
    • Conversion rate of leads with follow-up call vs leads without
    • Include # of each type of gpt classification made and the # that were correct
  • Outline and communicate to Tamara about new Lead Manager responsibilities
    • Important she feels like this is going to make her life easier and that she is excited to help improve it
    • Still taking all incoming calls
    • Doing initial follow-up call
    • Tamara review daily how well GPT is classifying leads it has conversations with. Provide recommended new classifications, report wrong classifications

Based on the problems and goals summarize what the project hopes to accomplish: (once outlined add it to the Summary property in notion)

After HL Lead Journey V2 is completed Hepworth Legal’s lead follow-up will be fully customized to the legal issue the lead is facing and Hepworth Legal management will be able to monitor and improve GPT with minimal day to day involvement.

This will be done by re-doing Hepworth Legal’s current lead follow-up sequences to take full advantage of the Airtable + GPT integration and provide custom follow-ups based on the legal issue the lead is facing e.g., personal injury leads will get prompted and encouraged to schedule a free consultation where as tenant leads will go through the normal follow-up sequence. On top of this we will clearly define the responsibilities of the Lead Manager, reducing the tasks of this person while using them to improve GPT, eventually removing them from day to day follow-up. Finally, we will introduce high level reporting to track the effectiveness of GPT.

Goals & Deliverables

Goal #1

Re-do nolo and website follow-up

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into TasksTasks , add task details


  • Website submission and nolo have same follow-up sequence, use gpt to differeniate between the two in system prompt
    • Task for team to call but if not called within certain amount of hours follow-up continues
  • If call answered then go into call answered sequence. Tamara marks call sentiment in airtable, used to direct gpt message (ie considring, needs times, looking at other lawyers, other). Tamara changes date to when GPT should follow-up

Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

  • Do we have follow-ups not run at night? e.g. lead fills out form at 8pm do we wait to do follow-up until 8am?
  • How do we change tasks without it affecting overall follow-ups?
  • Is 2 hour delay ok for no call given?

Tasklist - Final

  • (1 hour) Add functionality to add user variables to GPT System Prompt field in follow-up tasks table
  • (1 hour) Create new task Automated Lead Submission Follow-up SMS and Automated Lead Submission Follow-up Email that has different instruction for last task being Nolo vs Website and provides a custom follow-up
  • (1 hour) Set next task to be HL Call with a delay of 2 hours, if 2 hours pass and that next task is still assigned it begins no-response follow-up automatically
    • Add Task Steps to include updating fields Call Answered Category and Call Answered Notes then setting last task to Lead Answered Call
    • Then after last task is changed they manually change the next task date to when lead should be followed-up with
  • (1 hour) Add new fields Call Answered Category and Call Answered Notes that is used in system prompt new next task Automated Lead Answered Call Follow-up #1 SMS and Automated Lead Answered Call Follow-up #1 Email
    • Add 2 more sequences before lead is considered lost
Goal #2

Duplicate follow-up sequences for personal injury and divorce and customize system prompts

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into TasksTasks , add task details


  • Duplicate follow-up sequences for personal injury and divorce and customize system prompts

Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

  • What are the initial matter types we do this for? Start simple

Tasklist - Final

  • (1.5 hour) Duplicate the entire follow-up sequence created in goal #1, rename with matter type at the beginning and assign to a new status
    • Make sure views are clean and easy to manage
  • (.5 hour) Update initial call answered task to use conditions to assign the next task based on matter type
  • (.5 hour) Confirm that lead types that match are successfully going into the different follow-up sequence
  • (1.5 hours) Update next task conditions to allow for multiple conditions
Goal #3

Update reporting for easy insights into success of new follow-up sequences and classifications

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into TasksTasks , add task details


  • Initial response rate of each sequence
  • Conversion rate of each sequence
  • Conversion rate of leads with follow-up call vs leads without
  • Include # of each type of gpt classification made and the # that were correct

Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

Tasklist - Final

  • (4 hours) Update management metrics complication script to include the desired metrics
Goal #4

Outline and communicate to Tamara about new Lead Manager responsibilities

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into TasksTasks , add task details


  • Important she feels like this is going to make her life easier and that she is excited to help improve it
  • Still taking all incoming calls
  • Doing initial follow-up call
  • Tamara review daily how well GPT is classifying leads it has conversations with. Provide recommended new classifications, report wrong classifications

Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

Tasklist - Final

  • (1 hour) Create steps and reporting process for Tamara to review daily how well GPT is classifying leads it has conversations with. Provide recommended new classifications, report wrong classifications
  • (.5 hours) Go over responsibilities with Tamara