(H&A) Google Ads

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Needs Review

Project Goals & Deliverables - 10.19.2022

Goal #1

Launch Divorce, Real Estate, Contracts, Defamation, and H&A Google Ad campaigns

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline initial goal, deliverables, and questions
Confirm goal with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into tasks, add taks details

Questions / Notes

Move real esate campaign to just focus on HOA, utilizing small budget better
What 2-3 contracts area should we focus on?
What H&A lawyers should we show ads for?
What’re your key divorce service areas, focus on some more than others?


  • Finalize and get divorce ad groups keywords confirmed
  • Finalize and get Contract ad group keywords confirmed. Will go live with the following ad groups:
    • Real Estate contracts & seller discolure fraud
    • Contract Dispute,
    • Business / Corporate
  • Finalize and get HOA keywords confirmed
  • Finalize and get Defamation keywords confirmed
  • Finalize and get H&A keywords confirmed, go live with the following ad groups:
    • H&A Attorneys: Michael Hepworth, Kyle Hoskins, Benjamin Lawrence
    • Hepworth & Associates
  • Create divorce ad groups ad copy
  • Create HOA ad copy
  • Create defamation ad copy
  • Create contracts ad group ad copy
  • Create H&A ad copy
  • Creat contract landing page that only focuses on Real Estate contracts & seller discolure fraud, Contract Dispute, & Business / Corporate contracts
  • Duplicate Real Estate landing page and adjust it to only focus on HOA, not all real estate services.
  • Update current Divorce landing page copy to match ad groups
  • Update current intake form to store campaign information to only have 1 ads cta rather than multiple
  • Go live with all campaigns and ad groups
    • Go live with H&A campaign when goal #3 completed
Goal #2

Establish ROAS for all campaigns

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline initial goal, deliverables, and questions
Confirm goal with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into tasks, add taks details

Questions / Notes


  • Store all landing page submissions month over month with campaign and ad group information
  • Establish process for Tamara to send list of scheduled consults from podium with phone number to OWC to tag in sheet for ROAS
    • Setup offline conversion importing and conversion value of $200 in google ads for better optimization
  • Expand landing page to include H&A lawyer information, remove all external links and create popup form call to action
Goal #3

Establish conversions and ads report for on-going optimizations.

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline initial goal, deliverables, and questions
Confirm goal with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into tasks, add taks details

Questions / Notes

Use on-going to monitor and test changes to optimize onboarding funnel.
Confirm report metrics, possible to expand metrics on-going. Start small and add on


  • Report outline, data listed month over month
    • Total consults scheduled
      • Consults scheduled by service area
    • Total first messages
      • First messages by service area
      • Total site phone # clicks
    • Total site visitors
    • Google Ads
      • Total Money Spent
      • Total Return On Ad Spend
      • Average Cost Per Conversion (considered schedule consult)
      • Total Initial Contacts (submitted form)
      • Total Clicks
      • Total Impressions
      • Average Cost Per Click
  • Monthly review with Hepworth team with insights and recommendations based on report metrics
Goal #4

Create single call to action to allow for site link extentsions

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline initial goal, deliverables, and questions
Confirm goal with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into tasks, add taks details

Questions / Notes

Can we turn primary cta into form submission? Average first reponse in podium was 9 minutes last month. Better for tracking ads and metrics, can pass more data and forward to podium automatically.


  • Setup custom campaign paramaters to store campaign name, ad group, and keywords in form submission
  • Setup GCLID to store as a local session variable and pass to form submission
  • Turn primary call to action into form submission on the site that gives the appereance of text chat
  • Update all inner pages to have cohesive call to action
  • Add site link extensions to ads

Project Goals & Deliverables - Old

Goal #1

Establish sales funnels to track clicks to conversions to money spent for better ad forecasting.

Deliverables for Goal #1

  1. Setup custom Podium lead form for submissions
  2. Setup automations to record all lead actions in a single sheet

Goal #2

Create re-usable landing page for all future ads groups to improve clicks to conversions.

Deliverables for Goal #2

  1. Create re-usable landing page template with tracking analytics software
  2. Month over month improvements of template based on user interaction data to improve conversion

Goal #3

Launch Ad Group for Divorce & Business Service Areas

Deliverables for Goal #3

  1. Start with two Ad Groups to establish collect data, optimize funnel, ad copy and landing page
    1. Divorce Leads
    2. Business Leads (mergers, acquisitions, buy/sells, litigation)
  2. Compile Ad Group keyword list for both Ad Groups
  3. Write Ad copy for each group and launch ads