Assigned To
Start & Finish Date
June 16, 2023 → August 2, 2023
Needs Review
Project Resources
No Resources Currently
Project Outline
Project Planning Tasklist
Go through
Create project summary and add it to project
For each Goal outlined turn it individual item in
Problems & Goals
What are the problems we hope to solve with this project?
What are the Goals to create in order to solve the problems?
Goals & Deliverables
Goal #1
Goal Title
Goal Planning Tasklist
Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into
Tasks , add task details
Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Tasklist - Final