Klesk LinkedIn Organic & Paid Report
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LinkedIn Final Campaign Report
Organic Campaign
Timeframe: 11/27/24- 3/3/25
Performance: When measuring success of the organic campaign, we reviewed two key metrics including the LinkedIn company page growth along with the performance of the individual content that we posted.
Account Growth: Since the organic campaign launch, the account has gained 53 new followers, which is a 43% increase. The LinkedIn page received more than 500 page views during this timeframe, and the number of unique visitors increased by 34%. Of these visitors, most of them work in Manufacturing, Business Consulting and Services, and Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage.
Content Performance: During the campaign timeframe, OWC posted 2x a week on Klesk Metal Stamping’s LinkedIn, totaling to be 25 posts. This content, whether it was graphics or images, reached 3,379 LinkedIn members. The reach indicates that despite the profile’s following being less than 200 followers, posting on social media consistently still allowed us reach a large number of members outside of an account’s following. The content received a total of 276 social reactions (i.e., likes, comments, reposts) and the engagement rate for the content was 15.3%, which is more than 3x the standard LinkedIn engagement rate for profile posts.
Learnings & Recommendations: The engagement rate performed significantly above industry benchmarks, highlighting that the content was engaging and informative for users. The engagement rate was also was much higher than the paid ad campaign, which is expected since organic posts reach an audience that has already showed interest in services by following the company page, whereas paid ads reach a much larger audience who may not be seeking the services at the time of seeing the post.
As previously mentioning, the creative that performed the strongest were images (particularly ones that showed people) and carousel posts (which offer multiple slides that allow users to swipe through slides).
The company's LinkedIn page experienced notable growth in both followers and profile visits, demonstrating the impact of a strong organic social media strategy. This underscores the importance of maintaining a digital presence, not only to enhance visibility but also to build trust and credibility within the industry. The rise in engagement indicates that potential clients and industry peers are drawn to businesses that actively showcase their expertise, provide educational content, and share authentic moments from inside the business. OWC recommends that Klesk Metal Stamping continue to post on LinkedIn consistently, so that the account can keep growing and providing brand awareness for the business.
53 New Followers
6,645 Impressions
310 reactions
Visitor Highlights
501 page views
245 unique visitors
Paid Ad Campaign Overview
Timeframe: 1/21/25 - 3/3/25
Performance: When measuring success of the paid ad campaign, we reviewed the campaign’s reach (number of users who saw the ads), the number of users who engaged with the ads, impact on the website traffic, and the performance of the various ad creative.
The ad campaign drove significant reach and awareness across Klesk Metal Stamping’s audience on LinkedIn, with the campaign reaching more than 39,344 LinkedIn accounts. This impact was visible outside of just LinkedIn performance, but when we reviewed the website’s traffic and the number of leads that Google’s Ads were driving. The overall average engagement rate for the ads was .53% which is in line with LinkedIn’s standard benchmark.
When comparing the performance of the two audiences, Csuite/Owners/Presidents audience had a higher engagement rate, meaning they interacted more with the ads more (whether it was a click, like, comment, or visiting the LinkedIn company page). The ads that performed the strongest were the new creative that OWC designed and added to the mix mid-campaign (see below for top performing ads). The top performing ads for each audience performed above LinkedIn’s industry benchmark with the strongest ad achieving a 1.29% engagement rate.
Google Analytics tracked 2 leads who filled out the website’s contact form after clicking directly on the LinkedIn ad. However, if someone saw the ad but didn’t click on it—then later searched for 'Klesk Metal Stamping' on their own—we wouldn’t be able to track that back to LinkedIn. That said, we did notice an increase in conversions from Google Ads, which suggests that some LinkedIn users searched for the business separately, saw our Google Ads, and then submitted a lead form through that source.
Learnings & Recommendations: The ad campaign drove strong awareness for Klesk Metal Stamping and we saw this impact across the website traffic and the number of leads that were gained through Google Ads. As for the creative, the creation and addition of the new ads helped boost campaign engagement. When reviewing the style of ad that performed the best, the Csuite/Owners/Presidents audience engaged the most with the ad that mentioned “your business”. This messaging might’ve resonated the best with this audience due to it speaking directly to the person, since they are in leadership position where they either own or run a business.
254 likes/shares/comments/reposts
Reach (Number of LinkedIn users who have seen the ad)
39,344 users
Clicks on Ad
130 clicks
CPC (Cost per Click)
Engagement Rate
Paid Ad Campaign Metric Breakdown
Top Performing Ads
Top Performing Ad
Managers (Company revenue $100M-$1B Revenue)
Engagement rate: 1.17%
Top Performing Ad
Csuite/Owners/Presidents (Company revenue $1M-$10M)
Engagement rate: 1.29%
Audience Performance Breakdown
Spend | Users Reached | Clicks to Site Landing Page | Clicks to LinkedIn Page | Social Reactions | Average Engagement Rate | |
Managerial roles at Companies with Revenue $100M-$1B | $1,363.53 | 25,582 | 76 | 15 | 59 | 0.49% |
CSuite/Owners/Presidents of Companies with Revenue $1M-$10M | $736.49 | 14,617 | 54 | 30 | 30 | 0.58% |
Audience Demographic Breakdown (Top 5 Job Functions)
Job Function | Percent of Clicks |
Operations | 19.23% |
Quality Assurance | 10% |
Sales | 7.69% |
Engineering | 6.92% |
Business Development | 6.15% |
Audience Demographic Breakdown (Top 5 Job Functions)
Job Title |
1. Design Engineer |
2. President |
3. Manufacturing Engineer |
4. Quality Engineer |
5. Owner |
Audience Location Breakdown (Top 5 Locations)
Note: Location limitations for the CSuite/Owners/Presidents were not added due to the audience already being small. Despite this, the top 3 locations reached remained in the Midwest region of the US.
Job Title |
1. Greater Chicago Area |
2. Detroit Metropolitan Area |
3. Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area |
4. New York City Metropolitan Area |
5. San Francisco Bay Area |
OWC Performance Feedback
LinkedIn Mid Campaign Report
Organic Campaign
Timeframe: 11/27/24 (launch)- 2/15/25
Overview: Since the organic campaign launch, the account has gained 46 new followers and overall unique visitors to the company profile has increased by 24%. The campaign has also brought in 1 new lead.
As for the creative, we took learnings from earlier in the campaign and implemented them into this round of posts. Since we saw that the posts that performed the best were the carousel formats (which include multiple slides for the viewers to swipe through) and real images, we ensured that these were the style of posts that we focused on.
Takeaway: The company page has experienced significant growth in both followers and profile visits, highlighting the power of organic social media presence. This reinforces the value of building a strong digital presence, not just for visibility, but for establishing trust and credibility in the industry. The increase in engagement suggests that potential customers and industry professionals are actively interested in companies that showcase their expertise, share educational content, and highlight real moments from their business.
46 New Followers
44,650 Impressions
249 reactions
Visitor Highlights
376 page views
190 unique visitors
Paid Ad Campaign
Timeframe: 1/21/25 (launch) - 2/15/25
Overview: The campaign has reach more than 33,328 LinkedIn accounts. Both audiences are performing similarly; however, the Csuite/Owners/Presidents audience continues to engage slightly more with the ads compared to the managerial audience. The engagement rate for the Csuite/Owners/Presidents audience has increased to 0.82% for the past 2 weeks, which is above LinkedIn’s industry benchmark of 0.5%. Also, despite the Csuite/Owners/Presidents audience being much smaller than the managerial audience, there were more users from the Csuite/Owners/Presidents audience who clicked through to visit Klesk Metal Stamping’s LinkedIn company profile.
Takeaway: The addition of the new ads has helped boost engagement performance to be above LinkedIn’s standard benchmark metric. Additionally, the ads are driving users to the Klesk Metal Stamping landing page and the company LinkedIn profile. The dual engagement reinforces the value of being active on LinkedIn, especially while running a paid ad campaign.
Reach (Number of LinkedIn users who have seen the ad)
Clicks on Ad
CPC (Cost per Click)
Engagement Rate
Visitor Highlights
Audience Engagement
Managers (Company revenue $100M-$1B Revenue)
Top performing ad:
Audience Engagement
Csuite/Owners/Presidents (Company revenue $1M-$10M)
Top performing ad:
Task Detail Due Date Hours Status Assigned To Client Project February 5, 2025 0.25 CompletedEli Weldon
February 25, 2025 0.25 CompletedSavannah
February 26, 2025 1 CompletedSavannah
February 26, 2025 1 CompletedEli Weldon
February 27, 2025 0.25 CompletedSavannah
February 27, 2025 0.1 CompletedSavannah
March 6, 2025 2.5 In ProgressSavannah