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Please review our end-of-month report of all the things we worked on and managed for your business.
8 total hours worked
+3 hours over our retainer amount.
The task list includes several important items that need to be addressed promptly. Firstly, we need to remove "Dominique Williams" from the team page, ensuring that the necessary updates are made to maintain the accuracy of our team information. Secondly, based on questions shared by Ray, we should incorporate new additions to the profile questionnaire to enhance the data collection process for our profiles. Additionally, we must make the required changes to the profile questionnaire based on the latest round of change requests to ensure it aligns with the desired specifications.
Moreover, it is crucial to add this week's new LBR profile questions to the profile form promptly to keep it up-to-date and relevant. In responding to LBR mail queries, we need to address the issue of a link not working on the /get-resources page and investigate the SignNow document displaying an "Access Denied" error. Quick resolution and clear communication are vital in handling these user concerns.
Lastly, to boost our B2B customer reach, we need to create recommendations for LBR organic SEO improvements. Implementing effective SEO strategies can help us gain better visibility, enhance our online presence, and attract potential clients in the B2B market. By tackling these tasks diligently and efficiently, we can ensure smooth operations and improve our overall performance as a team.
15 new leads and 4 customers used the software and automations we built to get started with LenBuschRoses.
β Our automations saved 10 hours of work
β We automated 286 tasks
β We found and fixed 38bugs
β Completed quality assurance of every automation documented below each week
27% conversion rate last month
β 20% from 1 month ago β 13% from 2 months ago β 29% all time average
The conversion rate has been consistently down, but we believe it should increase once we implement the the new client follow-up system to help you send more persuasive messaging.
How easy was it to get started with LenBuschRoses?
7 total customer responses
β 57% found it easy to get started
β 43% found it average to get started
β 0% found it difficult to get started
Customer open ended feedback on getting started with LenBuschRoses
- I think it was pretty self explanatory. Iβm hoping I did the last form correctly though. The sales tax exemption form
- I am paying cash for everything via debit or credit card. I don't want to charge.
The clients seem to like the recent changes done to the forms. The ease to get started has increased from last time.
17 NPS Promoters+2 new reviews
Number of NPS promoters have doubled. To increase the reviews, we recommend looking at how we can get this in front of more clients month over month to people into the funnel.
2 new 5 star reviews this month and 2 responded to 4.3 stars and 29 reviews started with 4 stars and 20 reviews
0 new review(s) this month 0 responded to 3 stars and 2 reviews started with 3 stars and 2 reviews
0 new review(s) this month 0 responded to
3.3 stars and 59 reviews started with 3.3 stars and 59 reviews
π Site Security & Speed
Site security and speed is up to date
- We randomly selected pages for Site Speed audits to make sure there are no obstacles in site performance
- We updated all the plugins and themes that had any security updates available
We recommend allocating some retainer hours to conduct an audit of form endpoints. This will ensure that all data is secure.