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This document is an end-of-month report of all things worked on and managed by OWC for LenBuschRoses. Please scroll through the entire document, you will find a summary on the following core areas we handle for you:
→ Work Done
→ Customer Onboarding KPIs & Feedback
→ Automations & Software Management
→ Social Reviews Effectiveness
→ Site Security and Speed
👨🏻💻 Work Done
50 total hours worked +20 over our retainer amount
We completed two significant projects this month! The first was updating the portal to show resources to customers after their account number is created. The second was auditing and improving LBR's digital presence. We have already started receiving five-star reviews!
🚀 Customer Onboarding KPIs & Feedback
36% conversion rate last month 31% conversion rate all time
36 leads started and 13 converted to customers.
Overall there are no changes to this metric. We recommend making sure to disqualify leads so that a benchmark conversion rate can be set and then A|B testing can be started.
How easy was it to get started with LenBuschRoses?
11 total customer responses
→ 27% found it difficult to get started
→ 55% found it average to get started
→ 18% found it easy to get started
Customer open ended feedback on getting started with LenBuschRoses
- Industry references. I have only worked for 1 other shop. Most shops do not look highly upon previous employees starting up their own business, competition. I have been a self employed florist for 25 of my 32 years in the industry. My references are recent customers.
- Long process
- Explain what trade references are, or examples of some to include on the application.
- I am new to the industry and don't know more than one person with an LBR account
- I am hoping that my trade references are what you are looking for please let me know if I can help get you any further information. Thank you .
- Please get the account establish ASAP. We are closing on 2/2/23
- More specific on referral information needed
Work on detailing out more what trade references are and making providing them easier.
Take a look at how we can make the overall process take less time.
📲 Automations & Software Management
36 new leads and 13 customers used the software and automations we built to get started with LenBuschRoses.
→ Our automations saved 23.31 hours of work
→ We automated 473 tasks
→ Manually tested 48 automation sequences
→ Found and fixed 2 bugs
What automations do we run?
We automate tasks based on the actions listed under "Automations We Check". Click on one of the actions to see its documentation.
Automation quality assurance
We manually check automation sequences every week to make sure your customer onboarding is happening as it should be.
📬 Social Reviews Effectiveness
19 NPS Promoters → 9 clicks on review page → +6 new reviews
Overall, things are looking good, especially Google, for the first month of running the "leave a review" hook. Wait for another month to see if there are any changes to Yelp or Facebook. If not, then address the issue.
6 new 5 star review(s) this month only 5 responded to
4.2 stars and 26 reviews started with 4 stars and 20 reviews
+0 new review(s) this month 0 responded to
2.5 stars and 3 reviews started with 2.5 stars and 3 reviews
+0 new review(s) this month 0 responded to
3.3 stars and 59 reviews started with 3.3 stars and 59 reviews
🔐 Site Security & Speed
Site security is A
Audits show that all items are up to date and site is secure
Site speed is A+ for Desktop, A for Mobile
Site performance is currently great for desktops and mobiles
- We randomly selected pages for Site Speed audits to make sure there are no obstacles in site performance
- We updated all the plugins and themes that had any security updates available