Klesk Google Ads Service


Review the performance and important metrics of the Google Ad campaigns managed by OWC

Assigned To
SavannahEli Weldon
In Progress
Start & Finish Date
Priority Factors

Google Ads Performance & Metrics

Review important metrics related to the success of your campaigns.

Industry Standards Source

Weekly updates

A week in Google Ads is considered Monday - Sunday, therefore all of our updates will run from the Mon - Sun for the previous week.

Click to see Oct 7 - Oct 13
Click to see Sept 30 - Oct 6
Click to see Sept 23 - Sept 29
Click to see Sept 16 - Sept 22
Click to see Sept 9 - Sept 15
Click to see Sept 2 - Sept 8
Click to see Aug 26 - Sept 1
Click to see Aug 19 - Aug 25
Click to see Aug 12 - Aug 18
Click to see Aug 5 - Aug 11
Click to see July 29 - Aug 4
Click to see July 22 - July 28
Click to see July 15 - July 21
Click to see July 8 - July 14
Click to see July 1 - July 7
Click to see June 24 - June 30
Click to see June 17 - June 23
Click to see June 10 - June 16
Click to see June 3 - June 9
Click to see May 27 - June 2
Click to see May 20 - May 26
Click to see May 13 - May 19
Click to see May 6 - May 12
Click to see April 29 - May 5
Click to see April 22 - April 28
Click to see April 15 - April 21
Click to see April 8 - April 14
Click to see April 1 - April 7
Click to see March 25 - March 31
Click to see March 18 - March 24
Click to see March 11 - March 17
Click to see March 4 - March 10
Click to see Feb 26 - March 3
Click to see Feb 19 - 25