HL Create New Activity Management System In Airtabless


We aim to get the KPI Avg Hours Last 2 Weeks to be around 33 hours for all attorneys at the firm. We will do this through continuous A|B testing

Assigned To
Eli Weldon
Start & Finish Date
Duplicate To Client Databse
Duplicated To Client Databas
Needs Review
Project Resources

What needs to happen:

  1. Every Monday it runs checking activities from Sunday - Saturday of the previous week:
  2. First check if they have less than 33.5 hours of billable activities. If they do then they will receive the email, will show in a view for less than 33.5 hours of billable activity
  3. Second check if they have less than 40 hours of activity time. If they do then they will receive the email, will show in a view for 40 hours or less of activities
  4. Third check if last two weeks they have less than 67 hours of billable activity. If they do then they will receive the email, will show in a view for less than 67 hours of billable activity in two weeks

Project Outline

Project Planning Task-list
Go through
For each Goal outlined turn it individual item in
Problems, Goals, & Summary

What are the problems we hope to solve with this project?

  • Team members at Hepworth Legal are not logging activities throughout the week and have not responded to current follow-up tactics

What are the Goals to create in order to solve the problems?

  • Create a system, powered by AI, that effectively encourages team members to add activites
    • Effectively log billable and non-billable activities time in a week and the past two weeks. Needs to follow:
      1. First check if they have less than 33.5 hours of billable activities. If they do then they will receive the email, will show in a view for less than 33.5 hours of billable activity
      2. Second check if they have less than 40 hours of activity time. If they do then they will receive the email, will show in a view for 40 hours or less of activities
      3. Third check if last two weeks they have less than 67 hours of billable activity. If they do then they will receive the email, will show in a view for less than 67 hours of billable activity in two weeks
    • Create notifications to go to Kelsie week over week to follow-up. Kelsie reach out to team and record conversations. After 2 weeks we check back in to create AI follow-up messages customized to the user that appear to come from Kelsey

Based on the problems and goals summarize what the project hopes to accomplish:

Goals & Deliverables

#1 - Goal_Title

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into TasksTasks , add task details


Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

Tasklist - Final

Bug Requirements
  1. Updates should be added daily summary
  2. If the bug is not urgent then update

1. Bug Documentation

Add bug documentation below

2. Identify Bug

Based on bug documentation list out what is causing the bug

3. Time To Solve Bug

Outline the solution to resolve the bug and then change the expected to be completed date of the project when it will be solved
Project Resources

Project Outline

Project Planning Task-list
Go through
For each Goal outlined turn it individual item in
Problems, Goals, & Summary

What are the problems we hope to solve with this project?

What are the Goals to create in order to solve the problems?

Based on the problems and goals summarize what the project hopes to accomplish:

Goals & Deliverables

#1 - Goal_Title

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into TasksTasks , add task details


Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

Tasklist - Final

Project Resources

Project Outline

Project Planning Task-list
Go through
For each Goal outlined turn it individual item in
Problems, Goals, & Summary

What are the problems we hope to solve with this project?

What are the Goals to create in order to solve the problems?

Based on the problems and goals summarize what the project hopes to accomplish:

Goals & Deliverables

#1 - Goal_Title

Goal Planning Tasklist

Outline Deliverables associated with Goal
Outline & complete any Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question
Create list of Tasks to achieve goal
Confirm Goal & Deliverables with client, get any questions answered
Turn goal deliverables into TasksTasks , add task details


Tasklist - Research / Outline / Client Question

Tasklist - Final