Review and scope the work time to complete the listed changes provided by Kelly and provide recommendations for additional updates.
Recommendations Based On Review
Main Site:
- Recommend upgraded digital presence service
Member Site:
- Needs to simplify the dashboard
- have you outlined the initial user journey?
- needs to give quick win once signed up, give feeling of accomplishment
- What content do they have currently:
- Intro course (main thiing)
- Groups
- Events
- Resources (body)
- Need to simplify the groups
- What do you expect initial launch to be? A lot of people all at once?
- Simple group that people can go to with already engaged content
- Recommend a freemium model, get users to create account then after using resources they pay for something
- Need to do in-depth test of sign up process
- Pre-enrolled into intro course
- Need to simplify the become a member as it goes to the subdomain
- Does thrive circle need to be on the initial go live?
To Do
Main page
- Upgraded Digital Presence, example:
Memberpress site
- Outline dashboard, user journey, and simplify content
- Make adjustments to the page based on outline
- Do in-depth test of the sign up process
Thrive Main Site Task List
- Blog page Would like to add the Categories to this page that users can filter by (Posts do have category tags associated with them already)
- Blog Individual Post Page (example page) Would like to have a graphic added to the top of the right side bar that links to join page. I can design the graphic, I am just not sure what size to make it or how to add to the sidebar.
- Blog Category Pages (there are 5 of these) – Example: How do I add a beTer header to the top and maybe a sub/tle? Right now, it is just the name of the Category with no other formaZng.
- Plugins keep adding to main site
Answer: We would need to set this up - 1 hour
Answer: Can be edited here
Answer: Can be edited here
Answer: Think you’re just getting notifications from pre existing plugins, what specifically are you referring to?
Thrive Member Task List
- Mobile optimized I have not look at this page for layout on Mobile and with no app, I assume most moms will be using this site on their mobile devices. The BuddyBoss theme is mobile designed too, so I hope very liTle needs edited.
- Member Dashboard:
- MemberPress: This is the plugin that locks all the content behind the membership paywall. There are s/ll customiza/ons needed for this that I just have not yet goTen to – I need to ensure all the pages/content in this subdomain are not visible publicly, even if the direct link is shared to someone.
- Update to Template Design for Thrive Method Pages (Body, Mind, Soul & Role) I am looking for a template design that I can use for each one of these page (Again, I suck at Elementor). The goal is for these pages to contain content (video, PDFs, Audio, text, blogs, etc) that I will be adding to regularly, based on the page’s topic. § I have Vimeo for video and can add/update info in any way you recommend. § My hope is that it’s easy to see the latest info first, by group (so all videos together, PDFs together, etc – kinda like a blog resource page but mul/media. § I would like all 4 pages to look and func/on similarly. § Here was my first stab at something: hTps://
- Thrive Circle Page This I may need to brainstorm with you. This is an add on purchase op/on for Members. It is a 6-week group session led weekly by a therapist for 8 moms only. Each one will be on different topics, so moms can buy mul/ple of them over months – examples, Rela/onships, Iden/ty Changes, Return to Work support, etc. § I believe I need a page that adver/ses these – with text and vidoes about what they are with a link to the buy feature in MemberPress. § To host them, I can set them up as an Event (sell the event to 8 moms) and then invite moms to a private group. So the Thrive Circle Sales page also needs the The Events Calendar plugin ONLY for Thrive Circles.
- Menu Updates: On the top menu – can we move the “Dashboard” from the 1st spot in the top menu, to the 1st spot on the lek ver/cal menu? Will need a new icon. o On the top menu – There is a icon called Body Resource. I am going to be making 4 pages (Body, Mind, Soul and Role) that I would love to have a dropdown with an Icon called Thrive Method, these 4 are available as drop downs from that.
- Group Page Layout Can we make this layout look slightly beTer (again, hate Elementor). § I am trying to add a /tle of the Groups by theme, along with that group category. There will be 4 for now: • Interests • Professions • Loca/on • Child Birthdate
Answer: Already done, the app comes styled for mobile.
Add welcome section with video and text, course section, and graphic
Answer: 1-2 hours, easy to edit, just depends on the content you want
Answer: This is done already
The day we go live(May 1), I need to have the Membership Pricing info and join/payment func/onality be available on our page. Hanan (Fivrr guy) did set up this, I just need to find it somewhere in the backend (?) and add in the actual details, format the look plus have you ensure it is added to our Join page on May 1. § Would like to set up custom fields in the registra/on process: • First name, last name, mailing address, Child’s birthdate (or expected birthdate) by Month & Year. • Check boxes that say they have read the terms and agreement (link to those) and understand the Membership rules. • I may have 2 or 3 check boxes that they must agree to legally, in this sec/on – will get from lawyer over the next week. § Need to test the Stripe payment process before going live.
Answer: 5-10 hours, this will be the most time consuming task.
Time really depends on what the in-depth testing finds
Following pages need to be styled:
Pricing page:
Sign up page:
Answer: 2-5 hours to setup
Answer: 2-4 hours to setup the events functionality, 2-4 hours to create the page. Potentially go live with this functionality after initial launch?
Answer: 30 minutes
Answer: 2-3 hours
Total Time: 12.5 - 24.5 hours