LenBuschRoses November 2023 Work Summary

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Please review our end-of-month report of all the things we worked on and managed for your business.

Work Done

10 total hours worked +5 hours over our retainer amount.

Last month, our team focused on several critical tasks aimed at improving system functionality. We diligently located the missing client associated with the email patriciasteven@comcast.net and ensured their inclusion in the relevant sheet. Additionally, we successfully managed the upload of the SD tax-exempt form and conducted field mapping on SignNow for seamless processing.

To maintain data accuracy, we proactively investigated and updated the company history page, incorporating missing new users from the client sheet. Addressing the issue of new users encountering login difficulties, we implemented a comprehensive solution by resubmitting the Get-Started form, ensuring the proper addition of these users to the client sheet, including a text change on the LBR company's about page.

Lastly, we fulfilled the request to remove specific individuals—Dani Olson, Mark Andersen, Bridget Gerenz, and Ryland Sorenson—from the Our Team page, streamlining the team representation. If you have any inquiries or require additional details, do not hesitate to reach out.

See A Task By Task Breakdown Of All Work Done Last Month

Automations & Software Management

33 new leads and 13 customers used the software and automations we built to get started with LenBuschRoses.

→ Our automations saved 22 hours of work.

→ We automated 673 tasks

→ We found and fixed 1 bug.

→ Completed quality assurance of every automation documented below each week

Key Onboarding Metrics

39% conversion rate last month

6% from 1 month ago 6% from 2 months ago 68% all time average

OWC Recommendation

The conversion rate went down the last month, but we believe it should increase once we fully implement the new client follow-up system to help you send more persuasive messaging.

Customer Onboarding Feedback

How easy was it to get started with LenBuschRoses?

17 total customer responses

→ 47% found it easy to get started

→ 35% found it average to get started

→ 18% found it difficult to get started

Customer open ended feedback on getting started with LenBuschRoses

  • Add space for a note. Other than that, application is pretty straight forward
  • There should be an option to choose either a cash account or a credit account. i am not asking to purchase the products on credit so I did not fill out all of the info you wanted for a credit account.
  • No, not necessarily… just as a new business owner I do not have trade references— but I understand that you need them. Hoping the ones I put down work.
  • Very Confusing!
  • It was very difficult to get through.
  • There was no South Dakota tax form.
OWC Recommendation

The ease of getting started went down significantly and the comments mention a variety of reasons. We recommend going through each of them and let us know what actions you would like us to take in the application.

Social Reviews Effectiveness

28 NPS Promoters + 3 new reviews

OWC Recommendation

Number of NPS promoters decreased from 34 to 28 last month. To increase the reviews, we recommend looking at how we can get this in front of more clients month over month to people into the funnel.


2 new 5 star reviews this month and 2 responded 4.5 stars and 41 reviews started with 4 stars and 20 reviews


0 new review(s) this month 0 responded to 3 stars and 2 reviews started with 3 stars and 2 reviews


0 new review(s) this month 0 responded to 3.6 stars and 62 reviews started with 3.3 stars and 59 reviews

🔐 Site Security & Speed

Please find below details about the tasks we finished to speed-up & secure your website

Site security and speed is up to date

  • We randomly selected pages for Site Speed audits to make sure there are no obstacles in site performance
  • We updated all the plugins and themes that had any security updates available
OWC Recommendation

We recommend allocating some retainer hours to conduct an audit of form endpoints. This will ensure that all data is secure.