LenBuschRoses August 2023 Work Summary

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Please review our end-of-month report of all the things we worked on and managed for your business.

Work Done

7 total hours worked

+2 hours over our retainer amount.

Last month, we made adjustments to the Profile questionnaire in response to the latest round of change requests, ensuring that it accurately reflects the users' requirements. We were in the process of planning the LBR portal project, which included allocating time for its completion, an essential step to ensure a smooth and efficient execution of this significant endeavor. Lastly, we stayed on top of our website's maintenance by regularly updating plugins and themes to their latest versions, ensuring security and performance enhancements.

See A Task By Task Breakdown Of All Work Done Last Month

Automations & Software Management

15 new leads and 5 customers used the software and automations we built to get started with LenBuschRoses.

β†’ Our automations saved 28 of work

β†’ We automated 850 tasks

β†’ We found and fixed 8 bugs

β†’ Completed quality assurance of every automation documented below each week

Key Onboarding Metrics

33% conversion rate last month

↓ 8% from 1 month ago ↓ 12% from 2 months ago ↓ 23% all time average

OWC Recommendation

The conversion rate has been consistently down, but we believe it should increase once we implement the the new client follow-up system to help you send more persuasive messaging.

Customer Onboarding Feedback

How easy was it to get started with LenBuschRoses?

7 total customer responses

β†’ 43% found it easy to get started

β†’ 43% found it average to get started

β†’ 14% found it difficult to get started

Customer open ended feedback on getting started with LenBuschRoses

  • The trade references don't seem necessary for the amount of business I'll be doing and I plan to pay in full at time of order pickup.
  • I think it was a good process.
  • Everything was fine after I phoned customer service . Thank you
  • I don't need to establish credit because when I would purchase an item I would just use my credit card numbers
  • This was a very smooth process so far. Thank you for your consideration in accepting my application.
  • To menu cuestiΓ³n
OWC Recommendation

The ease to get started has decreased from last time. We recommend looking into these two feedbacks specifically

  • The trade references don't seem necessary for the amount of business I'll be doing and I plan to pay in full at time of order pickup.
  • I don't need to establish credit because when I would purchase an item I would just use my credit card numbers
Social Reviews Effectiveness

36 NPS Promoters +4 new reviews

OWC Recommendation

Number of NPS promoters have doubled. To increase the reviews, we recommend looking at how we can get this in front of more clients month over month to people into the funnel.


4 new 5 star reviews this month and 4 responded 4.4 stars and 33 reviews started with 4 stars and 20 reviews


0 new review(s) this month 0 responded to 3 stars and 2 reviews started with 3 stars and 2 reviews


0 new review(s) this month 0 responded to 3.3 stars and 59 reviews started with 3.3 stars and 59 reviews

πŸ” Site Security & Speed

Please find below details about the tasks we finished to speed-up & secure your website

Site security and speed is up to date

  • We randomly selected pages for Site Speed audits to make sure there are no obstacles in site performance
  • We updated all the plugins and themes that had any security updates available
OWC Recommendation

We recommend allocating some retainer hours to conduct an audit of form endpoints. This will ensure that all data is secure.