Service Messaging Guidelines


Service Messaging Guidelines

Use these guidelines whenever creating new copy for any external communications, marketing materials, or customer interactions.


What you need to review

Please review your new messaging guidelines including why they’re important. Let us know what you like or want to revise. Please keep in mind that this is a first draft and we will work to get something that you love if. Contact Us

Why Messaging Guidelines are crucial for your business.

Your customer lives in the age with endless content and limited attention.

They will still seek out 8 different touch points (social, site, reviews, etc) before deciding on whether to use your business for it’s services.

In each touch point they interact with you have 8 seconds to grab their attention and persuade them to continue to the next touch point.

During that decision making journey they will see 50-400 different ads.

This makes consistency and clarity in messaging essential.

When your unique value aligns across all touch points, it cuts through the noise, it grabs your customers attention.

A single, clear message builds trust. Trust leads them to choose your service over others.

Messaging Guidelines create clear and consistent messaging.

Why this is essential to your upgraded digital presence: We use these Messaging Guidelines to create the foundation for a strong, recognizable, and consistent identity, which in turn improves marketing efforts, builds customer loyalty, and enhances the overall perception of your business.

Your new Messaging Guidelines For clear and consistent messaging.

When To Use Your New Guidelines: Crafting any external communications, marketing materials, or customer interactions

Your Customer(s)

Your customer(s):

Novice and experienced real estate investors

Real estate professionals

Why it’s important: Clearly defining who your customer(s) makes sure the rest of the messaging guidelines are tailored to the right people.

Business tone

Business tone:

Professional, Insightful, Supportive

Why it’s important: Business tone chooses the right voice you’d have in a story; it helps convey the emotion you want your words to carry.

Business personality

Business personality:

Expert, Trustworthy, Approachable

Why it’s important: Personality helps position your business closer to the feelings you want them to have about you.

Your services and their value

Your services and their value:

Personalized Investment Consultations Tailored advice maximizes returns, mitigates risks.

Access to Licensed Real Estate Agents Direct expertise in commercial, residential, industrial properties.

Investment Strategy Customization Strategies aligned with personal goals, enhancing investment portfolio.

Market Insight and Trends Stay ahead with up-to-date real estate market analysis.

Risk Management Advice Expert guidance on how to minimize investment risks effectively.

Why it’s important: Customers need consistency, especially when speaking about the values your services provide. Outlining them now ensure consistency.

Mission statement

Mission statement:

Simplify real estate decisions making through shared expertise and insight.

Why it’s important: A mission statement clearly defines your businesses purpose and goals for your customer. It’s the thing your business believes in.

Vision Statement

Vision statement:

Confident real estate decisions for everyone through accessible and affordable expertise.

Why it’s important: A vision statement communicates a clear and inspiring long-term goal that your customer can get behind.





Client Success

Why it’s important: Values provide your customers clarity on what you focus on providing them in everything your business does.

The thing you own

The thing you own:

Confidence & Clarity

Why it’s important: You have the ability to own one thing in your customers mind. Businesses that have successfully positioned their brand own a specific word in a customers mind.

The feeling you resolve

The feeling you resolve:

Frustration, instilling confidence in decisions.

Why it’s important: Customers will forget what you said, but will never forget how you made them feel. Deciding on one feeling to own makes it easier to reinforce that feeling to customers.