Initial Estimates

Product V1

Description: In order to reduce time to launch and overall costs to develop what is outlined here is the bare minimum to turn into a functioning mediator for multiple parties. We will leave core security, payments, user management to Airtable and Wordpress to allow for extreme flexibility as users interact with V1 of the product and more is learned on how to improve it.

Very Rough Time Estimate: ~6-10 weeks of work (2-4 weeks research + 4-6 weeks development) if 2-3 people are working on it at the same time, full-time.


  • Fine tune GPT to handle mediations
    • Find and create structured data to use for fine-tuning
    • Fine tune and test
    • Repeat until achieved desired meditation abilities
  • Setup semantic search layer to reduce token count when generating responses and only give relevant data to GPT
  • Setup advanced database architecture to handle multiple meetings at once and log all data
  • Create multi-meeting functionality
    • Generate unique links per meeting
    • Meeting passcode functionality
  • Update UI / UX to show GPT going back and forth between rooms

User Journey:

  • Land on something like, a WordPress website
  • Sign up and pay through website
  • Sign into using phone or email using a 1 time password for security and verification
  • User sees meeting link and passcode that allows them to join their unique room
  • Mediation takes place