November 1, 2022
Site Security Score
Site Speed Score
Security Score: A+ (Minor Updates Required)Why do we score and monitor this? Click to see.
To maintain your score this month we’re going to:
- Update the plugins that have an update available
- Debug the issue with the Password reset link to make sure it is secure and working
Last month we
- Changed login URL to /owc-login to hide it from the hackers trying to guess the admin password
- Researched on WordFence and compared its utility with other security plugins
- Enabled “Global Edge Security” as requested by WP engine hosting company
Performance Score: A+ for Desktop, A for mobile (Minor Updates Required)Why do we score and improve this? Click to see.
To improve your score this month we’re going to:
- Add versioning and expire dates to external scripts so they are cached in the browser for longer time
Last month we
- Loaded low-priority scripts and styles after the page load to make it interactive sooner