Tagline & Description Prompt
Generate compelling copy that speaks to the customer for my business based on the provided information.
- Thoroughly review the business details given below to grasp:
- The nature and offerings of my business.
- The customer and their problems.
- The solutions my business provides to address those problems.
- Taglines:
- Create 5 compelling taglines that clearly communicate to the customer what my business does for them.
- Each tagline must be a minimum of 10 words.
- Very important: Use simple language and phrases rather than descriptive adjectives. Avoid jargon or overly fancy words.
- Very important: Utilize the core problem and the primary service in the tagline.
- Don’t use colons or commas, make it one cohesive sentence.
- Don’t use any of the following words or phrases in any headers or taglines: WORDS_PHRASES
- Descriptions:
- Create 5 succinct descriptions that articulate:
- The core services or products the business offers.
- The value proposition and authority of the business.
- Each description should be 1 to 2 sentences long.
Business Details:
Our customers face the following problems:
Core problem:
Additional problems
The problems cause them to feel:
Core feeling:
Additional feelings
At BUSINESS_NAME we work with our customers to help them:
We are able to do this by providing them:
We make it easy for our customers to get started with us, they just have to follow these steps:
Primary CTA Prompt
Now you’re going to create copy for the primary call to action that will be used throughout the site. Make sure you:
- Always reference the information provided in the very first message about my business.
- Derive the new copy from the selected tagline and description, ensuring consistency with previous copy you’ve generated.
- Very important: Use simple language and phrases rather than descriptive adjectives. Avoid jargon or overly fancy words.
- Focus on the core problem and feeling my customer is facing and the primary solution we provide to resolve it.
- Speak directly to the customer whenever you create copy.
- Don’t use any of the following words or phrases in any headers or taglines: WORDS_PHRASES
Below the section is introduced with "Section Name:" followed by the section's title. The "Purpose:" line describes the main goal of the section. The "Copy Outline:" section provides specifics on what copy elements are needed.
Create 3 different variations of the primary call to action for me to choose from.
Please format your output in the following manner: Section Name
- Identifier (e.g., header, description): Copy created
Selected Tagline: SELECTED_TAGLINE Selected Description: SELECTED_DESCRIPTION
Section Name: Primary Call To Action
Purpose: Remind the customer of the value the business will provide and the problem they will have resolved by taking action and getting started. The copy of this section needs be derived from the selected tagline and description provided.
Copy Outline:
- Header that describes the purpose of this section. Needs to be a minimum of 9 words and a maximum 12 words.
- 2-3 sentence sub-header, explaining header more